Procrastinitis? GET IT DONE!

Friday, January 10, 2014

There’s no way through it until you do it.  Would you like a clutter free mind?  Do you want to expand your business?  Why not put new air…

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Is your clutter creeping you out?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do you have PROCRASTINITUS? It’s so easy to let it get out of hand; there’s so much to do. Most of us promise ourselves we’ll get to it…

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Pareto’s Law – 80/20 rule

Friday, September 20, 2013

Stay focused on the 20% that matters. Those tasks in the 20% will likely produce 80 percent of our results. So, it’s critical to identify and focus on…

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Organizing Special-$135*

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

TURN YOUR MESS TO SUCCESS!  Get a coach that KNOWS how to run a business. Procrastinitus is a beast.  It’s like a weight on your shoulders that never…

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Curve-Balls and Transitions

Sunday, September 15, 2013

LIFE THROWS CURVE-BALLS; an unexpected death, a forced move, health issues. We don’t know when or where they’ll land or how we will deal with them until circumstances…

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