A Fresh Start – The Work Organizer BLOG!!
I spent the last 5 days in Rancho Mirage working for 2 of my clients – who also happen to be my very close friends. It was an eye-opener as usual. When I travel away from my routine, I get to see in a new way. Linda Jeffers is my life coach and a fabulous photographer. We have known each other for almost 19 years and she’s seen me go from the Corporate World of Entertainment (www.warnerbros.com) to my journey as the Work Organizer.
Linda has a wonderful online central headquarters/hub Linda Jeffers which consolidates her:
1) Gottago’s Adventure site
2) Portfolio of Photography
3) Blog
Seeing her in action with her many passions inspired me to start anew, so here I am.
Working with my other friend Sandi (who I have known for 20 years,) also helps me to see in a new way. She is a jovial, lovely woman, and one of my closest friends that works her patooty off as a Coldwell Banker Real Estate Broker www.SandiGeisler.com
They are both ENERGIZER bunnies, I’m not kidding. Other than my Mom, I’ve never seen 2 women so active – EVER! My hats off to both of you fabulous women.
So my journey begins with my newest, latest blog!
Come on back – I’ll be giving great tips just FOR YOU!
Cindy Faith Swain
CPO, Chief Productivity Officerwww.theworkorganizer.com