What Is Your 911 Plan?

family.jpgHi Everyone,

Having lived through two mandatory evacuations in Southern California, here is a list of some things I now have AT MY FINGERTIPS in the event of an emergency. This list will vary with each individual and should be considered carefully for other important items and valuables. I suggest you spend some time and think this through – scan the rooms in your house. Mother Nature’s wrath is not something to be taken lightly – The recent Tea Fire in Santa Barbara (http://www.santabarbaraca.gov/Resident/OES/) is a good example of how things can change in an instant:

  • 911 File: Passport, insurance policies, investment papers, legal documents such as birth certificates, licenses, family papers etc.
  • Computer backups – PLEASE, make sure to have these within arms reach and that you know exactly where they are. If you don’t know – take care of that RIGHT NOW!
  • Photos (digital and authentic)
  • Wills and living trust documents
  • Jewelry and any antiques you love
  • Documentation of valuables
  • Spouse and family information and documents
  • Pre-packed travel kit
  • Bottled Water (keep some in the trunk of your car)
  • First Aid Kit

For further information, go to:


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