Mobile Work Center for small spaces

I have always been interested in working with small space. These days, so many of us have a limited amount of it. We can either pair down or live in clutter. With designers these days, who are much more aware of these space constraints, they’ve found ways to modularize and compartmentalize. It is pretty easy to find options at many places online. Sometimes there is free shipping and the costs are quite reasonable.

Talk about keeping things tidy!

I love this!
Makes perfect sense.

PILE CRISIS SYNDROME: Don’t let it run your life.

Are you sick of piling instead of filing? Would you like training to be more efficient on your computer?  CLICK HERE  to  bring in 2011 – Get right with your computer  now..

When Possessions Lead to Paralysis


For those who love post it’s

15 Minute Action: De-Clutter Tip